Monday, April 15, 2013

If They Didn't Already Know Us, Would They Want To?

The other day when it was incredibly slow at work and I was sweeping the floor, my mind started wandering elsewhere. I can't remember what triggered this thought but it seemed like a really interesting idea or question. I started to wonder something, that at first you might think it's outrageous, but after a minute it seems logical.

I wonder if all our parents really like us...

In an ideal world, everyone would be obedient and happy and well, maybe even perfect, if they wanted to be. I truly wonder though, there has to be parents out there who don't like the person their child has become. We feel like just because we're family, we're obligated to love one another, but I mean, who ever wrote that rule?

It's expected of teenagers to hate their parents at some point or another, but is it ever the other way around? Imagine if your kid goes against every thought you've ever instilled in them. Every belief, rule, joy, or hate is the exact opposite of your opinion. What if your kid is mean to you, and truly hates you? Do you hate them back? What if they bully you, just like they might bully other kids? Do you like them still?

I can't exactly relate, because I feel like I have a balanced and even friendship with my parents. I mostly tend to agree more with my mom, and believe a lot of the things she does. We have less conventional views than my dad, but I don't think he dislikes me over it.

Imagine this though, if we went to high school with our parents, would we be in the same social group as them? Would they accept us into theirs? What if we were fellow parents or just people, living in the same town as them, would they like us?

I mean obviously there are the crazy people who hate their innocent children for no reason, but I'm talking about the normal parents. Obviously when we're young, our parents love us because we're just these bundles of joy who cry a lot and poop our pants, but they love us. But when we grow up, become the people we're going to be for the rest of our lives, we change. We have opinions, and feelings, and freedom of expression that could really differ form our parental units. If we weren't related, do you think they'd even look twice at us or think to talk to us if we were just another person in the room?

Think about it...


  1. Mind. Blown. =0 You made some excellent and quizzical points. Ahh!!! I do believe you said it yourself, however. Teenagers are "expected" to hate their parents. It's the norm. However, if a parent expresses their dislike towards their own children, they are acting against the norm. Other parents will look down upon them, and they're pretty much screwed in society.

    But the thing is, children are their own people. As you said, they can reject the way they were raised and turn out like little ruffians. We will never like everyone, and as children are people too, we can not be expected to have unconditional love for them. As long as we're still willing to help. Parents sometimes deny their children due to their sexual orientation, opinions, etc., but again, they are still a person. If everyone can respect everyone else, it doesn't mean we have to like each other. Even if that person is a boss, sibling, parent or child.

    P.S. I do think I'd be friends with my mom, but I would not be as conforming. To hell with the big hair!

    1. Hahha it's a crazy thing to think about, isn't it? I don't think I would have been friends with my parents in high school. Maybe my mom since she played so many sports, and maybe my dad because of skiing. But I'm not really sure! My mom is my best friend now so it all worked out and I've never questioned whether she's liked me or not. We do have a lot of differing opinions though, and same with my dad and I. It's a weird thing to try and wrap your head around!
