Thursday, April 11, 2013

Days Like That Really Suck

You ever have one of those days? You know the kind, when everything literally sucks. Your hair looks like shit, your face is breaking out, and you just so happened to splash the cap full of bleach, you were pouring into the sink at work, right square in the middle of your favorite black shirt. Or how about when you go to toast your english muffin and you accidentally bump the knob up to 9 so your english muffin is now charred and disgusting and you're running late for work, so you decide you'll go hungry all day. The milk is old so you either drink black coffee or no coffee. Your dog keeps farting and won't move away from you. You have probably around 40 loads of laundry to do and no underwear so it looks like you're not wearing a skirt any time soon. There is absolutely nothing on TV.

Those days really suck.

But you know what sucks more, having those kinds of weeks.

Or months.

Or lifetimes.

And so you keep repeating your mantra - whatever it may be. You think, it's going to get better. You make changes, because how is anything going to feel better if you don't try something different?

But then the change is worse than the original plan. Even if the original plan was really starting to make you miserable, at least it was routine and expected, right? And that mantra you keep repeating, it's starting to sound pretty god damn old and crusty, like the tinfoil wrapped thing in the back of your fridge from some restaurant you went to last month. You don't even want to look at it, or touch it because you don't want anything to do with it anymore! It's old news, and it's sour now so instead of disturbing it, might as well just let it sit there and rot because it's never going to change.

Then your thoughts switch from, it's going to get better to, this is never going to end.

And whose to say it is going to end? They tell you to just let it go; be happy.

I'm sorry, I forgot. It is completely realistic to let all your stress, problems, and feelings just vanish into thin air. Because the more you forget about them, the further away they go, right?

No, absolutely not. They just sit there and pile on each other until you completely explode with feelings and frustration. Then you're a complete bitch to everyone because they are the one's who told you to try all the things that didn't work in the first place. But you sort of feel bad for being such a miserable bitch, but then again, if you can admit that you are one what's the issue? So to try and let off some frustration and feel better, you write a blog post about it. But by the end of it, you're still pretty pissed off. And you know what sucks the most? The dog is still farting.

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