Saturday, September 15, 2012

Transferring in the Middle of a Transition

I started college exactly sixteen days ago. So far from being there, I've figured out a few things:

1. I love college. I love the classes, I love being treated like a human being, I love hanging out in my dorm with my girls, and I love the fruity pebble rice crispy treats they make in the dining hall!

2. I miss home. I miss my sister, my mom, and my dad, but most of all I miss my work. When I'm at Mojo's, everything is okay. I am smiling, laughing, and making money. What is better than that? Nothing. Mary Ann, Joe, and Anthony are my family. They are the kin I was meant to have and didn't receive until fifteen years into my life. I don't like being away from them. It keeps me up at night and makes me feel sad. Especially when all I want is a pumpkin muffin from the store and I have to drive an hour to get it. But you know what? I do. Every penny of gas is worth that warm embrace I receive from them when I step foot in the little kitchen in the back, and when I sink my teeth into that delicious, moist, sweet, amazing pumpkin muffin, nothing could be more satisfying. I have everything I need and want when I'm at the store, and when I'm at school, I miss out on that. I have a hole in my heart where they belong. It's a hard hurdle to overcome.

3. I'm broke. I'm in way over my head in expenses, and I'm a little scared about what I've gotten myself into. Not everyone my age fully understands this, because it's their parent's names on the Student Loan checks. Guess which name is signed on mine? Miss Paige Olivia Roberts. United State's Government, thanks for the ten grand! I'll get it back to ya when I'm famous.

4. I need to be closer. I thought that as long as I was in New Hampshire, I'd be close enough to home. I was wrong. An hour and fifteen minutes is too far for me. Deciding what I truly want in my heart hasn't been an issue. I want to pack up and go be where I feel safe and accepted. It's more of the decision about what I need that has been an internal battle for the past two and a half weeks. I need to stay in school, but I'm too antsy to not become anxious awaiting the end of my 1:45 class on Fridays so I can go home. So, I've come to a happy median.

5. I'm transferring to Plymouth State University. Plymouth is approximately 35 minutes from Franconia. It's a small campus, like I want, and it has what I want to pursue: Criminal Justice, as well as and English department, with a focus in writing. And best of all, it's just a short drive away from where my heart lies; Mojo's.

Some of you might say I didn't give Colby-Sawyer enough of a chance, but if you know me at all, you know I have one hell of an intuition. This is my gut feeling. And honestly, I'm not going to listen what everyone else says I should do, so don't bother telling me. I'll throw you the middle finger and say, "See ya!" This is my life, and I love the fact that I have so many choices and chances to do anything I want. Right now is the time where I can switch colleges, switch majors, and switch locations. So don't go and shit your pants thinking that I'm going to drop out of school, because that isn't the case. I already told you in #1 that I love college. I just don't love where I am.

So banking on my pending acceptance into PSU, I will soon become a Panther and say adios to the Chargers. And then again, I always liked cats far more than horses, so maybe it was meant to be from the beginning and I just didn't know it yet. Meee-ow!


  1. You know, PSU has a really great vibe goin' on. And I can honestly see you fitting in there really well - it matches you. Also, I can relate to your story. I actually went to college 15 min from where I grew up. I did think it'd be too close, but, it totally wasn't. I felt like I was a million miles away at college, but could still work my old job on the weekends which helped out with money and kept me connected to old friends, and felt...normal. I could also go home whenever I wanted to...which I didn't do much...but it was just nice to have the option. It'll all work out Joebs. Best of luck!

    1. It's so nice to have your support! I feel like I will fit in there much better...I'm such a homebody, and to be honest, I didn't realize how much I love it here until I left. I've come to appreciate it here so much more, and I needed that. My sister went to Plymouth State and LOVED it. I always did too, I just didn't think it was where I wanted to go because I wanted to pursue writing. But now that I want to change majors, it fits perfectly! :) Ps. Thanks for reading my blog! Keep following!

  2. Replies
    1. hahahahhahahahahahahahaah we know eieieieeieieiei <3

  3. Yay Paige! Students our age are completely ignorant in regards to college expenses, and parents are convinced we won't succeed without a degree. I am so sick of people telling me that I won't be able to support myself without one! Like you, I love college but am not happy at Lyndon State. However, I adore the closeness of it which I believe you'll enjoy. I commute two days a week- and LSC is about the same distance from here as PSU- which is perfect. I'm saving so much by living at home and I can handle a job easily. It's worth it. I think you'll feel much more at ease. =)
