Monday, September 9, 2013

Anonymous Comment

On my last post, someone left a comment that sort of rubbed me the wrong way. It was anonymous, but it basically was saying that I needed to acknowledge that I was growing up now and nothing was going to be handed to me anymore like it once was. And, I should let my parents into my life and stop pushing them away because I can't, "do this alone."

I deleted the comment.

I deleted it not because I didn't want people to see it, or because I don't appreciate criticism, but because it was completely irrelevant to anything I had wrote in that post. For the record, anonymous person, I live with my mom. I also work for her. She is very involved in my life, more so than she was a year ago. That wasn't necessarily my choice or her choice, it was just the way the past year had unfolded. I visit with my dad when I can, and talk to him often. I also work with him in the winter time.

On another note, I know I'm growing up and no longer in high school, hence the name of my blog being, "The Grown-Up Experience." I understand that I am not sixteen. I am a few months shy of turning 20, but compared to many of the people I grew up with, I feel more like I'm 20 going on 30. I pay my half of the rent, as well as the internet and phone bill. My mom takes up her half of the rent, and the TV. I also own my car. I work practically everyday, with the exception of the two days I attend college, full time, which I also pay for.

I'm not writing this to brag about how much I do and pay for. I'm not even writing this to prove the anonymous commenter wrong. After reading what they had said though, it made me start to think. There's a handful - actually, the majority - of people who I graduated high school with, who I haven't seen since we graduated. I keep up with them for the most part on Facebook, but what does Facebook really tell you?

Oh, they ate the best pizza they ever had at some restaurant in Connecticut.

They went to a huge party on Saturday, and were tagged in 27 photos from it.

They just got a tattoo of a four leaf clover, or their astrological sign.

This is all interesting information, but not necessarily valuable. I just wonder sometimes how people are, what they're studying, and if they are truly enjoying school. I wonder if people even know I dropped out of school after a month of being there. I also wonder if they know I moved out and live on my own, with my mom as more of my room mate than anything else. Do they know that I went back to college? Do they even care?

I feel much of my blog refers to when I dropped out of college, but I also like to focus on that I went back. My last post was a lot of rambling and emotions. This blog is basically my public diary. It can be raw at times, and make no sense at all, but that's because sometimes my mind doesn't either. Sometimes, I don't understand why I feel the way I feel so I try and write it down to better understand it. I have always been that way. There are times when I feel like I have failed and still am failing because I came back to the familiarity of my hometown. But so what? Just because I'm not at a traditional college, where you live in a dorm and get fucked up every weekend, that must mean I am doing it wrong.


That is why I write posts like this and keep this blog. It reminds me that I am not failing, but it's okay to feel at times like I am. I might be different than your average almost 20 year old, and have more anxiety about my life than most, but it's okay. I put my pants on feet first, just like everybody else. (I think that's a saying, isn't it?) So I suppose I should thank the anonymous commenter, because although the content of your comment on my last post was irrelevant to anything I had said, it served a purpose to this post. Thank you for the inspiration.

I have class in an hour, and I'm actually quite excited about it. It's called, "Writing the Short Story."

I might be at a Community College where there are no sports teams or clubs and organizations, but I enjoy the classes that are offered and am happy with the education I am receiving.

Also, I just paid for my Fall Semester. It was $26, after my financial aid which consists of not one single student loan.

Breathe, Paige, you're doing just fine.


  1. Paige- When I was 19 going on 20 I was very much in the same boat as you... minus living with my mom. I had to leave home and my BFF's mom took me in. I paid her rent, I paid the cable bill. I had a car and three jobs so I could do it all AND go to college. I was also a writer. So I have to tell you this- YOU ARE AMAZING! Almost no one in your age group will understand how amazing you are because they have NO IDEA what real life is... they aren't in the real world yet. I'm saying this not because I think you don't know, but because I want you to know *I* recognize it and appreciate it. Others do too, but not everyone vocalizes positive things. Some day, when you're about 30, it'll hit your old friends- "WOW, look at what Paige is doing!" I go through it a lot now... I'll hear from a high school 'friend' and they say "Wow, I never thought you'd be happy/successful/still alive."

    Keep writing, please don't stop. I'm looking forward to excerpts from your work-in-progress book. I love your style of writing.

    Fuck the naysayers! <3

    1. you are so very sweet. i was living on my own for about four months but, my mom experienced some stupid life stuff and I offered for her to come here and be with me. It's so nice, actually, i missed her so much. but thank you for your kind words, and it's always nice to see someone who understands and relates! "Fuck the naysayers 'cause they don't mean a thing." - i hope we we're both quoting 311 ;)

  2. I'm with Angie. All of our classmates from Profile who went away to college are paying exorbitant bills and partying every weekend. You are going to school AND working. You have living expenses which you pay for, causing you to understand the value of the dollar and assume responsibility. They are merely writing their expenses off through loans.

    P.S. I love the font too!

    1. i have a feeling we are going to have a wonderful semester together :) hehe!

  3. You are a writer people should be looking at your content not your font !!! Very disappointed you deleted my comment. I have been busy writing myself; and as a writer you look forward to the response of your critics. No one is doubting how hard you work for a 19 1/2 year old; but if you say you feel like a 30 year old professional a 30 year old or even a 25 year old would have not deleted a response to their work; they would have shared it with their with their fans and let them decide. Remember a 19 1/2 year old and even a 25 or 30 year old think and act differently. I understand your difficult life but go with it and write .....write .....write. Stop the babbling and write. Looking forward to the short story assignment.

    1. stop being so cryptic and come off of anonymous. i never said i felt like a professional. don't put words in my mouth. who made you the all mighty judger?
