Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nines, Page, and The Five of Wands

To all my dedicated readers, my apologies for not writing very much at all this summer. I don't have excuses other than complete lack of inspiration or time because of school and work. Today, however, I felt compelled.

Yesterday I worked with my mom's closest friend, Meloni. It was just her and I on at work, which I enjoy because we have really nice conversations, and I hadn't had a deep, down to earth talk with her in awhile.

Some of you may call me nuts for this, which I don't care if you do, but I feel that I am most definitely more in touch and aware of energies and what not than most people. I have an incredibly strong intuition, which I've been urging myself to follow more than I do. I like talking about this with Meloni because she understands, and helps me to understand it more. She, herself, is intuitive and in touch like me, but she has more experience with it and knows how to embrace it more than I do. I'm not saying I'm some kind of mind reader or psychic medium, but I do feel as though I have an inkling of a sixth sense.

About a year ago I went to my best friend Ben Rathman's Mimi's house for a "psychic party." Mimi hired a psychic to come to her house and basically Ben's entire family was there. We each had 30 minutes with the psychic. I am a firm believer in psychics, and I have seen a few, but I had never seen a psychic medium. This woman was incredible. She told me information about people in my life who had passed on in such detail and truth; it blew me away.

She told me something that day that has really stuck in my head, however. She asked me what the significance of the number nine was. I told her I didn't know other than that it has been my favorite number for a long time, but I have no particular reason why. She said that there is something special to me about the number nine and when I see it I should acknowledge it, and be aware that I am seeing it for a reason.

Since then, I've paid more attention. For example, my house number is 1809. Not only does that contain a 9, but half of 18 is 9 as well.

Sometimes Anthony and I will go for Vespa rides and look at houses for sale, dream up what kind of life we could have in them, and how much fun it would be if we could actually afford any of them. There is one house in particular though that we obsess over, though. We visited it three times before realizing that it has the year it was built right on it.


Something else interesting is Anthony continually sees the number 747. He sees it practically every day. Either at the grocery store, the clock, the TV channel... you name it.

The number on the for sale sign to call about this house was 603-747-xxxx

Also, 7+4+7 = 18.

Again, half of 18 is 9.

Need I say more?

So when Meloni and I were talking, we started to talk about past lives, astrological signs, what kind of spirit animals we thought we were and what not. She told me theres a certain belief that whatever number astrological sign you are is supposedly believed to be how many times you've been on this earth in different lives.

I asked her what number Sagittarius is.

It's the 9th sign.

When we talked about spirit animals, I said I've always considered myself to be a cat.

Cats have 9 lives.

When I left work I felt magical, in a way. I walked through the door of my house and my eyes drew to the corner where I have a basket full of paper work and nonsense things that belong to me. Inside that basket though are Tarot cards which I've been eager to learn how to use. Being on such a high from Meloni's and my discussion, I was inspired to order a book on how to read Tarot cards. I ordered it on Kindle so I could start reading it immediately, and after about a page I was hooked. In the first chapter, it briefly explained the history of Tarot and a few of the different cards.

I learned that Tarot was originally from the Middle Ages, and people of that time used it as a game. A few centuries passed before it was really picked up again and better interpreted. The Tarot cards are often misunderstood because of how they are depicted in movies, where some sleazy old woman in the back of a head shop turns a card over in a candle lit room and the card reads "Death" to whomever is seeking the information.

Tarot isn't like that at all, actually. The cards are just a tool to help you delve deeper into your being and your feelings on particular situations. It is all about interpretation, and how the cards apply to you. They're therapeutic in a way.

As I read more, it talked about the Page cards.

I looked up the meaning of my name once, and it derives from the Middle Ages. A Page was a messenger, and a servant in a way. Usually a peasant boy who delivered messages to and from people.

I thought that was super lame, and still kind of do, but when I read about the Page cards my opinion changed.

In Tarot, a Page card represents playfulness and childhood; innocence. I thought that was beautiful, and I felt as if that spoke to me. I am yet to look more into what the different Page cards mean, but my first bout of information was certainly satisfying.

Deeper into the book, it suggests you do daily readings on yourself to familiarize yourself with the cards, but also because it's a positive way to be emotionally in touch with your sense of self and more aware of what happens throughout the day.

The directions for a daily reading are as follows:
-Hold the cards in your right hand face down, with your left hand on top of them.
-Take a deep breath, clear your mind to a calm and comfortable place.
-Shuffle the cards a few times.
-Set them on the table and cut the deck to the left.
-Turn over the card on top.

I chose the Five of Wands. I looked up what that meant, and it mentioned something about mending an old friendship. I sort of shrugged it off, but thought it was interesting all the same.

Today I decided to do another reading, but I spent extra time shuffling the cards because they are still new and kind of still in order. I shuffled them probably close to ten times.

I laid them flat, cut the deck to the left and turned over the top card.

There's 78 cards in the Tarot deck, and guess what I picked?

The Five of Wands.


  1. SHITTT. that's so cool though can you do mine sometime!!

  2. Hey Paige! I'm big into Tarot, spirituality and the like. It's sort of freaky how all of these occurrences happen, but quite guiding as well. The Indian Head hosts Psychic Weekends in April and November. You sit with a psychic who will either use Tarot, crystals, palm readings, etc. or a combination. I really wish we had a psychic up here whom I could visit like a therapist!

    1. I go to indian head every time theyre there!! Ill leardn to read the cards and read your fortunes hehe :)
