Friday, March 22, 2013

Life Guide

Somebody should write a guide to life, and each stage can have it's own section, with sub-chapters on the different paths you can take.

Chapter 1: Childhood from infancy through age 11: Don't eat the glue. Be a tom-boy. Invite everyone in your grade to your birthday party. Be nice to your babysitter. Play sports. Enjoy nap time, because soon it will be gone. Let everyone see your big, toothless smile.

Chapter 2: Age 12 through age 14: Remember that the friends you have now probably won't end up being the friends you have forever. Don't stuff your bra. Makeup doesn't make you beautiful. Keep up on your school work because it creates positive work habits. Try not to hate your parents yet, especially since you haven't even started learning to drive which is where the hatred really begins. That boy who just broke your heart is only the first of many. That boy's heart whose you just broke is also only the first of many. 

Chapter 3: Age 15 through age 17: High school doesn't entitle you to be a snob. Makeup still doesn't make you beautiful. Be nice to the girl you had a falling out with in middle school, for everyone has their own struggles, including you. Try not to hate your parents when you're learning to drive because they are probably hating you just as much. Don't date the senior boy no matter how hot he is. Drinking and smoking pot doesn't make you cool, so don't feel like you have to do it. Don't drop out of high school, even though you want to more than anything. Don't get pregnant. Shakespeare is actually beautiful, and one day you will realize it. Don't spread rumors if you don't want rumors spread about you. Join different clubs and meet different people. Allow your talents to shine. Don't challenge the asshole teacher who singles you out because they don't like you. Be kind to everyone, but trust nobody.

Chapter 4: Age 18: You are legally an adult but that doesn't mean you have it all figured out. Go ahead and buy the cigarettes because you can. The broom closet in aylakai isn't all it's cracked up to be, but go in anyway. Apply to college, even if you don't go, it doesn't hurt to apply. Get a job because you'll need the money in the next few years. Don't get arrested because now you can really screw your life up. Senioritis is inevitable just try to fight it as long as you can. Don't date the junior boy no matter how hot he is because you'll end up breaking his heart. Makeup still doesn't make you beautiful, but it's acceptable now because you're old enough to wear it. If you haven't already you should buy a car. Thank all the teachers who helped you and apologize to all the teachers you were rude to. Don't wish your youth away because once it's gone, it's gone.

Chapter 5: Age 19 through 22: This is where the paths start taking place, either you're in college, on your own, or living at home still. Remember that you don't have to know all the answers, but you're going to be frustrated that you don't. Work hard at everything you do, whether that's in school or at your job. If you're still on your parent's couch, get your ass up and get a job or get in school. Even though you're out of high school, still don't get pregnant; you have a lot of life to live still. Travel. Try new food and meet new people. Stay in touch with the high school friends worth staying in touch with. If you have a boyfriend, fall in love with him. If you don't have a boyfriend, that isn't an excuse to slut around; stay classy. Drinking and smoking pot still doesn't make you cool, but you're going to do at least one of those so don't get caught and don't make it a priority. Keep looking forward, because sometimes you're going to feel really lost and really scared. Remember, you are the creator of your own happiness and future. Make it happen.

Chapter 6 and beyond: I'll let ya know when I get there.

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